Flag and coat of arms
Region | South East Asia |
Capital | Bangkok |
Area, km2 | 514 000 |
Population | 67 470 000 |
Population growth, per year | 425 061 |
Average life expectancy, years | 72.6 (m. 70.2, fem. 75) |
Population density, ppl./km2 | 131.26 |
Official languages | Thai |
Currency | Thai baht |
International phone code | 66 |
Internet tld | th |
Time zone | UTC+7 |
International organizations participation Thailand | ACMECS, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Bay of Bengal Initiative for MultiSectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation, World Trade Organization, Indian Ocean Rim-Association for Regional Cooperation, OECD Development Centre, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, World Bank Group |
Land borders | Cambodia Riel, Lao (People's Democratic Republic), Myanmar, Malaysia |
Access to the seas and oceans | Andaman Sea, South China Sea |